
Showing posts from March, 2021

A New Beginning #Day100

I can't believe that it was this time last year that all this madness kicked off. We got word in school that the kids were to be sent home immediately and for the next two weeks. It said that schools would reopen then. Yes, we scoffed. That would have meant bringing them back for a week before the Easter holidays. We figured schools would stay closed until after the hols, by which time this Coronavirus thing would be under control and we would be back to normal. I remember popping into the local Aldi on the way home to stock up for the week and being shocked at how many empty shelves there were. Days went by and we began to realise that things were much worse than we thought. There was a report that schools in Britain wouldn't be reopening until September and we scoffed again in disbelief saying there was no way that would happen. Well guess what? Yep, we just about managed to open the following September, remain open until Christmas and now , in March 2021, we have been back f...